Our school has recently arranged a spring outing for students. We set out at 12:30am. The sun was shining brightly and the breeze felt comfort-able. Excited and relaxed, we made our way to Zhonghua Garden in Mudu Town on foot. We had thought it might be boring. However, it turned out that every one of us enjoyed ourselves and benefited a lot from the activity.
On our arrival at the destination, 152 students were divided into seven groups. The first task assigned to us was to polish our team: selecting the team leader, naming the team, designing the team logo, picking the team song and making the team formation.
Within ten minutes, everybody tried their best to come up with good ideas. Much to our delight, we accomplished our task smoothly. The instruc-tor-in-chief sang high praise for our performance, which really encouraged us to keep going with more confidence.
Afterwards, we played interesting games. One of the games was Ball-Hit-Drum, in which ten students flipped a drum tied ropes to make the tennis ball hit the drum ten times with-out a stop.
It was really a tough task for all of us. The most challenging part of the game is to balance the drum. As we began our practice, the ball fell off onto the ground from time to time. Some got a little impatient, but a boy student told us to stay calm and make progress step by step.
When the game began, we all fo-cused our attention on the movement of the ball and followed our walking rhythm. We eventually made it within the given time.
My favorite game was Passing Mes-sage Silently, in which each team sat in a line. When the game started, a num-ber was shown to the last student in the line. Each member in the line was re-quired to use gestures-writing on the back or hitting the shoulder of the one who sat in front of him or her-so as to pass on the information to the first stu-dent in the line. Talking was prohibited during the process, which was really an ordeal for all of us. Fortunately, our team was the first because of our per-fect cooperation and outstanding telepathy.
Thanks to this spring outing, I learned a great deal in the process. I came to know the significance of coop-eration and team spirit. Two heads are better than one. We should trust our teammates and cooperate with them. Only in this way can we overcome diffi-culties and achieve our goals.
When we are at school, we should understand, forgive and care about those who don't do well enough in study. As the saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall.